person holding car keys

I lease my vehicle, so aftermarket products are a no, no. Right…?

In Automotive Window Tint, Paint Protection Film by David Clarke

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Wrong! If you lease your vehicle you know that you are supposed to take extra care of it so you don’t incur any additional fees at the end of your term. Two aftermarket products and services Auto-Trim Design of Mid-Maryland commonly provide to customers with leased vehicles are window tinting and paint protection film installation.

Aftermarket Products

Window tinting products come in a wide variety depending on the needs and preferences of each customer. For the most part, our customers who lease show interest in tint that will help reduce instances of upholstery fading and limit the impact of extreme temperatures through interior climate control. Additionally, they’re interested in paint protection film (PPF) to guard against small scratches from road debris, insects and… fowl excrement. Yes, bird poop.

By reducing the amount of UV rays entering the vehicle, you are protecting your ride’s interior (not to mention yourself) from the harm that they bring. Everything from upholstery fading, items becoming warped, and even sunburn comprise a shortlist of effects from too many UV rays and heat. Also, the added glare protection serves as one more layer of incident prevention. Learn more about the benefits of automotive window tinting here.

Paint Protection Film

PPF is the unsung hero of our trade. It ties directly into the saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Our leased vehicle customers love our PPF installation service – and so do their lenders! A simple process, PPF is an invisible layer of protection that goes on high-encounter areas of the vehicle – most often the front bumper – to further protect against small road projectiles as you’re driving. Elements like insects and bird poop contain a lot of acid and over time. Without a proper car, it can take a toll on your vehicle’s paint job. PPF also aids in protection again vehicle paint fading.

Whether you’re leasing your vehicle for 36 months or five years, it always pays off to invest a little in preventive measures through aftermarket products. This helps to avoid much higher, corrective payoff fees. That and you get to enjoy the vehicle that much more while you have it!

Thanks for reading,

Dave Clarke