gray matte car wrap

What Are the Most Popular Car Colors?

In Wraps & Signage by David Clarke

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Travel back to the era of classic muscle cars in the 1960s and 1970s, and you’ll see cars in every shade of color imaginable. From pastel Easter egg blues and yellows to turquoise and pink, auto manufacturers were a lot more bold with their selection of paint choices. While unique and vibrant shades were once all the rage, most modern vehicles take a more subtle approach when it comes to paint color. Here are some of today’s most popular car colors:

Grayscale: Black, White, Gray, & Silver

The most popular car colors you’ll see on the road today don’t actually have any color to them at all. According to Kelley Blue Book, black and white are the top choices, with gray and silver following behind. All of these colors are neutral and appeal to a wide variety of customers. 


After the more minimal colors, blue is the most popular choice. It makes up a relatively small percentage, although it’s closely tied with red. 


It’s probably not surprising that along with blue, red is one of the most popular car colors. There’s nothing that screams “sports car” more than red (besides maybe yellow). But red is also commonly found on sedans, trucks, and other vehicles as well. 


Green isn’t a color that you often see on the road, but you’ll usually see either a bright green or a darker shade of green. While vibrant greens look great on a muscle car, trucks and off-roading vehicles often sport a deeper hue. 


Making up an even smaller percentage of vehicles is gold and brown. Gold is often seen on older vehicles, with it being a less popular choice compared to some of the others on this list. Brown is another color that’s seen about as often as gold. 

Does Paint Color Affect Resale Value?

When it comes to resale value, a neutral color car will likely retain its value more than a trending shade. Black, white, gray, and silver will remain popular choices, whereas a yellow car might be harder to resell. If you plan on reselling your vehicle after a few years, it might be something to consider before making a purchase. 

Change Your Car’s Color with a Vehicle Wrap

Whether you have a classic vehicle with paint that has seen better days or you’re craving a change, a vehicle wrap allows you the freedom to switch to something new. If one of these popular car colors doesn’t speak to you, then you can choose from hundreds of other available shades. We can also create a custom wrap designed specifically for your vehicle!

Contact the experts at Auto Trim Design if you have any questions about car upgrades at (301) 662-7443 or fill out this brief form. We would love to hear from you. We are ready and available to help you upgrade your vehicle with automotive enhancements. Our team is the absolute best when it comes to interior and exterior upgrades that add luxury, convenience, and safety features while enhancing your vehicle’s overall function and style.w